We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and new year break and have come back to work feeling refreshed and ready for the year ahead! 


Today, we would like to tell you about an opportunity to get involved in one of five programmes offered by the NCTEM and Maths Hubs designed to develop teachers as experts in teaching for mastery and the leadership of professional development. What do the programmes involve? All the programmes are designed to develop teachers as local leaders of mathematics education (LLME), who lead various strands of activity of their Maths Hub at a local level. 

The Primary Mastery Specialist Programme is now in its tenth year, and the Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme is in its ninth year; the programme to develop Further Education Mastery Specialists is entering its second year in 2024. 

All Mastery Specialists are classroom-based practitioners who develop teaching for mastery in their own classrooms, and go on to lead Work Groups to support other schools or colleges and their teachers locally. 

Professional Development Leads and School Development Leads are expert teachers of maths who have responsibility for maths-specific professional development beyond their own school. 

How can you apply? Follow the links below to visit the webpage of the programme you are interested in applying for, and download and read the information document. When you have secured the support of your headteacher/senior leader, complete the online application form. 

The closing date for applications is Friday 29 March at 5pm. 

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of the New NPQ in Leading Primary Mathematics opportunity for those leading on developing a TfM approach in their schools. This course is for: 

  • teachers and leaders with responsibility for leading maths across a primary key-stage or school, or those who want to have this responsibility 
  • teachers familiar with mastery approaches to teaching primary maths, who want to improve leadership skills in this area 
  • subject leaders in a school already engaged in the primary Teaching for Mastery programme 

The DfE have recognised that leading mathematics in a primary school can be a complex and challenging role and this qualification will support those teachers who are currently leading or aspiring to lead in the subject with a nationally recognised qualification. Applicants should have a strong understanding of the mastery approach to teaching mathematics. Maths Leads who have worked closely with the maths hub in developing the approach in their schools will be well placed to consider undertaking the qualification. BBO Maths Hub have been working closely with all three Teaching School Hubs in our region to ensure that all schools and teachers in the BBO area will have access to the same offer. We will all be working with UCL as Lead Provider on this NPQ. You can find details of the programme on the UCL website here: NPQLPM: National Professional Qualification for Leading Primary Mathematics | IOE - Faculty of Education and Society - UCL – University College London (

To apply you will need to: 

We hope these opportunities are of interest to you and look forward to working with you soon. The BBO Team. To read the latest edition of our newsletter please either download the pdf ( or view it online (