MASH Open Mornings

Thank you for all your requests to attend the Open Mornings, we are very much looking forward to welcoming those who have booked to the upcoming dates. 

Sessions will be held in the Library in the Westgate Shopping Centre in Oxford- just over the road from County Hall. There is no parking available so please leave plenty of time to get into town. 

Sessions will start promptly at 10am and usually last until 12 noon, depending of the amount of questions asked and discussions that take place. 

The Open Morning is a chance to see the process of a referral once made to the MASH. (Who its seen by, how its prioritised, the process of moving from senior to worker to partner agencies and back to worker and how decisions are made.) One of the Assistant Team Managers will talk through some data, and illustrate the quantity and variation of types of referrals. 

The aim is to give you a better understanding of how MASH works and what happens when a referral is made or when you are asked for an education check. 

We still have some availability for January 13, February 11 and March 11. All sessions start at 10am and run until approx 12 noon. Should you wish to book a place on one of these sessions, please email 

Please note places are limited to one person per school, per session, and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.