International Day of Play

Play opens up a whole world of possibilities. That’s why the Lego Group got together and successfully called on the United Nations General Assembly to adopt an annual International Day of Play, on the 11th of June. They did this because they believe every child can reach their full potential, with the time, space and access to play. It’s time to put play back on the agenda. On this day, and every day. To change this, they ask adults and decision-makers to: 

Invest in children’s well-being by protecting our right to play. 

Provide children with more time and opportunities to play, including in school. 

Protect our right to play by creating safe and accessible places to play, including for those of us with special needs.

Respect our rights to be heard in decisions impacting our right to play. 

Support us in developing social skills through play.

Now you know about all the benefits of play, it’s time to make it happen. Taking part can be as simple as making extra time to play on 11 June. You can take part in person, online and add your voice to the play movement. Together we can make play a priority every day. More information here.