Interfaith Week for schools, 10 - 17 November

A message from NASACRE to all schools: 

NASACRE, in collaboration with the Faith and Belief Forum and working with colleagues in the RE and Inter faith communities, has brought together a suite of resources that schools can use to mark Inter Faith Week. 

This year there is a theme -see attachment (pdf, 161.97kb) - and a website: to help schools develop suitable activities and materials to provide a stimulus for their pupils to explore how individuals and communities can live and work together to build a better future. Never has this been more important, and we hope that this will help you to engage your schools and inform your LAs and other partners in this work. 

There is also a website that may be of interest to faith groups and those involved in interfaith work in your area: It would be great if you and your schools were able to share what you have done through these websites