Interest-free loan scheme for energy saving measures

Oxfordshire County Council has funding for county-maintained schools to apply for an interest-free loan to finance the installation of energy saving measures. The funds can be used to install: 

  • Rooftop solar PV 
  • LED lighting 
  • Battery storage

Applications for the loan scheme will be reviewed as they are received so interested schools are encouraged to request a loan pack early. To do this, or find out more about the scheme, please email or visit the website.

Why install these measures?

Improving the energy efficiency of your school buildings can help you save money on your energy bills, cut your carbon footprint as well as make buildings more comfortable for students and staff. 

Rooftop solar PV means you generate and use clean energy right on site and LED lights are much more energy efficient and cost effective than traditional light bulbs.

Join other schools 

Whitchurch Primary School, Sonning Common Primary School and Nettlebed Community School are amongst the schools that have already benefited from the interest-free loan scheme and installed Solar PV and LED lighting. 

About the funding

The funding is provided by Oxfordshire County Council working with Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools (ACES). Find out more about the project here.