Governance and conflicts of interest

Declaring and avoiding conflicts of interest is a legal and moral responsibility that all governors and trustees have. The NGA provide guidance on the subject and boards of maintained schools in Oxfordshire are requested to keep declarations up to date on Governor Hub. In addition The constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools ( clearly states the regulations in terms of governors’ details and the register of interests. 

Conflicts of interest are not restricted to those things that governors and trustees declare on the register of interests that is published on their school's or academy’s website (directorships, partnerships, employment, personal relationships etc.). Governors and trustees are also obliged to declare any potential conflicts of interest during meetings and there should be an opportunity for them to do this. 

What maintained schools must or should publish online - GOV.UK ( 

What academies and further education colleges must or should publish online - GOV.UK (

Those cases where individuals on a board perceive conflicts of interest differently are trickier. In such cases, determining that a governor/trustee has a conflict of interest in a matter should come down to an assessment of how likely the governor/trustee is to exert undue influence or allow their personal circumstances to cloud their judgment. Real and perceived conflicts of interest can be equally damaging.

Please do contact Governor Services if further clarity is required on