Free flu vaccine for all school staff
The Oxfordshire County Council, Public Health Team is pleased to offer all members of school staff at maintained schools a free flu vaccination if you are not eligible for the NHS free vaccine. To check if you are eligible for a free flu jab through the NHS, please visit the NHS Flu Vaccine, who can have the vaccine – eligibility includes everyone aged 65 and over, certain health conditions, etc.
If you are eligible, you should book on the NHS website or through the NHS app. If you are not eligible to a free vaccine from the NHS, then Oxfordshire County Council will reimburse the cost of the flu vaccination (maximum of £20) through the pay system.
School staff will need to make an appointment with the pharmacy of their choice and give the receipt to their school business/finance manager. The cost of the vaccine (up to a maximum of £20) will be reimbursed through their monthly salary pay and detailed on their payslip.
Schools need to submit the expenses claims through IBC detailing the expenses type as ‘Flu Jab’ and using the cost centre code PH0020. The expenses claim must be submitted the same month the cost incurred. This offer is available until the end of December 2024, although we encourage everyone to get their vaccine as soon as possible to offer the best protection over the winter.
Protecting yourself and those around you
The flu vaccination is safe and effective. It is important because, while flu is unpleasant for most people, it can be dangerous and even life threatening for some people, particularly those with certain health conditions.
The best time to have your flu vaccine is in the autumn or early winter before flu starts spreading. Further information about the vaccine is published on the NHS website. You can take other preventive actions in addition to vaccination that may help reduce the spread of viruses like flu including:
If you are sick, limit contact with others as much as possible to keep from infecting them.
- Stay off work or school until you feel better.
- Rest, get plenty of sleep, keep warm, drink lots of water to avoid dehydration.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water.
- Clean surfaces like your computer keyboard, telephone and door handles regularly.
- Use tissues to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Bin used tissues as soon as possible.
We hope offering free vaccines for staff will help keep our colleagues well this winter; we strongly encourage you to take up the offer if you haven’t already received a jab.
Public Health Oxfordshire County Council
Free Flu Vaccine for OCC Maintained Schools ONLY (PDF 120KB)