Free Flooding and Heatwave Vulnerability Surveys and Action Plans

Oxfordshire is at an increasing risk of extreme weather as a result of climate change. This is of particular concern for Oxfordshire’s schools, many of which are ill-equipped for prolonged heatwaves or increasingly heavy downpours that can cause surface and fluvial flooding. 

Young children are also more vulnerable to periods of intense heat, which can impact their education and learning experience. Oxfordshire County Council is looking to provide a limited initial number of free climate adaptation site surveys and bespoke action plans to support OCC maintained schools in identifying low-cost, easy to implement measures to reduce the impacts of heatwaves, flooding and subsidence at schools that are vulnerable during periods of extreme weather. 

Measures identified through the surveys and action plans will be predominantly passive, including window shutters, blinds and sustainable drainage measures, as well as behavioural interventions that can be made. Site surveys will be undertaken throughout February and March, with bespoke action plans available by the end of April. 

If you consider that your school is vulnerable to heatwaves, flooding or subsidence (either experienced or is vulnerable to future extreme weather), and you would like a free site survey and action plan for your school, please contact for more information.