EYFS Profile 2024 – Beyond Moderation

Statutory Assessment: Beyond Moderation - for Reception teachers

Following the success of the interactive sessions in Summer 2023 we are again providing you with an opportunity to meet with other reception colleagues to share good practice, discuss and quality assure judgements with each other, and learn all about the statutory assessment at the end of the EYFS. The session, led by experienced EY Advisors and practising Reception Teachers, will cover what children need in order for them to achieve the Early Learning Goals (ELG) and any barriers to learning. We will be particularly focusing on the Literacy and PSED ELGs, and identifying teaching and learning opportunities. These events are for maintained, academies and independent schools. Look on Education Services for more information and dates. 

You will have opportunities to have professional discussions about 2 of your children at the face to face sessions at Hill End. Please feel free to bring any evidence which you wish share with colleagues.