Effective Assessment in the Wider Curriculum

In almost all the Ofsted feedback meetings we have attended this year and in the published reports, areas for the school to improve focus on assessment in subjects other than English and mathematics.

Example ‘what the school needs to do to improve’ statements from Ofsted reports in 2023 – 2024: 

Adults do not always systematically check pupils’ understanding. As a result, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge and do not achieve as well as they could. The school should continue to support staff so that the use of ongoing assessment is consistently effective. 

The curriculum in a few subjects needs refining. In these subjects, the important knowledge that the school expects pupils to know is less precisely defined. The school should ensure it understands the important content that pupils should know It should check how well pupils have remembered the essential knowledge and use this information to support future teaching. 

In some subjects, checks on how well pupils are learning the intended curriculum are not precise enough. This means that misconceptions are not always identified and gaps in understanding are not consistently addressed promptly. The school should ensure that current refinements to how assessment is used lead to pupils learning consistently well across the full curriculum. 

In response to these common themes, we have commissioned a package of training for 2024-2025 to focus on effective assessment within the wider curriculum.  

The training is a mix of face-to-face sessions (all of which will take place at The Kassam Conference Centre, Grenoble Road, Oxford, OX4 4XP) and virtual sessions. Delegates must attend all sessions. The cost for the full programme is £150 for maintained schools and £250
for academies.

Programme Facilitated by

  • Simon Mitchell-Innes - Primary Phase Inspector / Leadership and Learning Partner, assessment team
  • Chris Cheal – Primary Phase Inspector – Assessment lead

For more details and to book you place please follow the link provided - Effective Assessment In The Wider Curriculum | Oxfordshire | Education Services