Early Years Briefings and Forums

The Early Years Team offer a range of briefings, meetings and forums, at different times of the day, for the early years sector to keep you up to date with local and national news. These events are also an opportunity to network with others and share the great practice you provide for Oxfordshire's children and their families.

We do not record these events, however the slides are available to attendees. EY Leaders Briefing We have been running these briefings in the evenings since 2020, at the request of managers who are often counted in ratio. As the content is relevant to nursery classes in schools, this month, we have opened these briefings to school colleagues. There is no cost for attendance. 

This briefing is for all managers, supervisors and room leaders in preschools and day nurseries, and early years leaders in nursery classes in schools. If you can't make it this month search for future events on Education Services. EY Termly briefly We deliver a briefing in autumn, spring and summer from 3:30-4:30pm suitable for anyone working with EY children/families. The focus incudes national and local updates including SEND and health. 

Guest speakers are invited to share their knowledge and expertise around a variety of relevant subjects from pedagogy to safeguarding. You can also search for the monthly Childminder Meetings, briefings for Out of School Providers, the Early Years termly briefings (for all who work in schools and early years settings) and the EY DSL Forum.