Designated Teachers' Newsletter

Please see this term’s Designated Teacher update (PDF,449kb) from Oxfordshire’s Virtual School. This termly publication aims to provide information updates, contacts, useful strategies and ideas to support the work of Designated Teachers (DTs) for Children We Care For and Previously Cared For Children. Do pass on, print and display, as appropriate. 

In addition to this newsletter, we have a comprehensive training and support programme which we encourage DTs and other key members of staff to access. All of our training is free. 

To view our 2023-24 training programme, click here

We particularly encourage you to attend our annual conference which is scheduled for Thursday 27 June 2024 (09:30-15:30) at the Kassam Stadium. Bookings are now live on Education Services

Don’t suffer in silence. If you have any questions relating to Children We Care For or Previously Cared For Children, please contact us: We are here to help! 

You can also join one of our termly Designated Teacher Network Meetings which aim to provide DTs with the opportunity to share good practice and troubleshoot challenges together with other DTs and Virtual School staff.

If you are new DT or have not attended DT induction training, please book on to attend the DT Induction/Refresher Training, including ePEPs and Pupil Premium Plus which, due to Ofsted, has been re-scheduled for Wednesday 20 March. Click here for more information. 

Please see this newly published guide (PDF,704kb) that aims to provide some practical advice, as well as information, on how to support previously cared for children and their families through their educational journey.

Finally, also see attached Parent/Carer newsletter (PDF, 530kb) for foster carers, adoptive and special guardian families. Please do share this with any families in your community. 

Thank you for all that you continue to do to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children. We hope Term 4 gets off to a positive start.