Cover arrangements for the Summer break

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone in schools for your tremendous hard work and support you have shown us this academic year. Your dedication in responding to MASH requests is phenomenal and hugely appreciated by all the team here in the MASH. I am very sure you are all looking forward to the imminent summer break for a well deserved rest and recharge and time away from school to enjoy with your families and friends. With that in mind, if you have made arrangements to have cover over the holiday period, please do let me know. We shall be using the usual DSL arrangements, unless we hear otherwise, so please do email me if you have cover arrangements in place and don't want to be disturbed. If you have plans for new DSLs to be in your setting following the summer break, do also let me know so we can update our contacts list. Thank you all once again and have a wonderful summer break! Please email any cover arrangements to