BBO Maths hub latest news

We are pleased to invite Headteachers and Subject Leaders to join us for an open morning at Longford Park Primary School on Monday 29 April.

This event, hosted by BBO Maths Hub, will provide you with the opportunity to observe Teaching for Mastery in action and engage in discussions with members of the Maths Hub and School Leadership teams. 

Event Details

 Monday, April 29th, arrive from 9:00am. 

The event will take place 9:30am – 11:30am at Longford Park Primary School, Longford Park Rd, Bodicote, Banbury OX15 4FU 

RSVP: Please book your place here

During the open morning, you will have the chance to hear how Teaching for Mastery is implemented and sustained across a school. We will visit classrooms and see what Teaching for Mastery looks like from Early Years to Year 6. The school leaders at Longford Park will be on hand to talk about how they work in partnership with the Maths Hub to implement, embed and sustain the approach and create a culture of high expectations for all children. You will hear how the school uses regular professional development and opportunities for collaboration to support and develop staff with subject and pedagogical knowledge in maths. This event will provide a valuable opportunity to consider how your school will benefit from engagement with the professional development and collaboration through joining the Maths Hubs Teaching for Mastery programme. We look forward to welcoming you, hearing about your schools and answering your questions. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Submit your application now to join the Teaching for Mastery Development project in 2024/25

Every year, the Maths Hub looks to engage schools that have not yet begun the Teaching for Mastery journey in the project, and we are delighted to announce that applications have now opened to take part in 2024/25.

The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers in state-funded schools to develop best practice in maths in your school. It is suitable for schools interested in implementing a teaching for mastery approach to maths. Mastering maths means pupils of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material. There is a wealth of information about Mastery on the NCETM website.

To find out more about how your school can get involved in this fully funded project in 2024/25, head to the relevant page on our website using the links below:

Primary Teaching for Mastery – Development 

Secondary Teaching for Mastery - Development 

For primary schools that are not quite ready to join the project yet, we also have the Mastery Readiness programme which will prepare for implementing a teaching for mastery approach. Find out more and apply via the following page:

Primary Teaching for Mastery – Readiness 

All work groups and opportunities for 2024/25

Groups are now up and running this year, we invite you to either apply for a place on programmes currently accepting applications or register your interest in our projects for the next academic year via our website. You will then be contacted with further information as soon as this is available.

Please use the links below to visit the work group you are interested in. Alternatively, contact us at to discuss the best programme for you and your department. All of our work groups are free.