BBO MATHS HUB: ADDITIONAL WORK GROUPS now open for bookings. We are delighted to say that we now have more Work Groups open for bookings, all of which are fully funded by the Maths Hub Programme and therefore FREE to attend for teachers in state funded schools. 

PRIMARY TEACHING FOR MASTERY - READINESS This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2.

Schools with additional challenges need bespoke support to ensure their systems and cultures are conducive to a teaching for mastery approach. Those who are not yet ready to join a Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group will prepare for implementing a teaching for mastery approach which is embedded and sustained across the whole school. 

This will involve receiving support from Mastery Readiness Leads and developing classroom culture and attitudes to maths that will support a teaching for mastery approach, both on the part of teachers and their pupils. After the year-long programme, Mastery Readiness schools will be ready to progress into Development Work Groups and beyond. 

There is no charge for participation in this programme. However, schools must ensure that staff are released to engage in the workshops and school visits, and that the headteacher attends events where appropriate. Please visit our website for more information: 

SKTM: EARLY YEARS TEACHERS This programme is designed for individuals who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths to three-to five-year-olds. This may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or have not received maths-specific training. It is designed to improve the subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for all practitioners teaching and supporting the learning of early maths. Bookings are now open for the Berkshire and Oxfordshire cohorts of this Work Group, with a Buckinghamshire cohort to come later. You can book your place online via our website: 

SKTM: PRIMARY TEACHING ASSISTANTS This project supports primary teaching assistants who are supporting maths to develop specialist knowledge for teaching maths, to build on the primary maths National Curriculum, and to develop distinct pedagogical decision-making which will impact on their practice when supporting maths. Bookings are now open for the Berkshire and Oxfordshire cohorts of this Work Group, with a Buckinghamshire cohort to come later. Please book online via our website: 

SKTM: PRIMARY TEACHERS This programme is designed for primary teachers who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or have not received maths-specific training. 

There are two pathways: Number and Spatial Reasoning. Each pathway consists of the equivalent of four days, spread out over a minimum of two terms. Professional learning and practice development continue throughout, with participants implementing new ideas into their daily practice. Bookings are now open for Bucks & Berks (Spatial Pathway) and Oxfordshire (Number Pathway). Please visit 

SKTM: SECONDARY NON-SPECIALIST TEACHERS This project is designed to support non-specialist teachers who teach maths in a secondary school in developing the specialist knowledge necessary for teaching mathematics thus enabling them to understand, teach and support students in the classroom. 

This project starts soon on 7th October with all sessions taking place online between 4.30 and 7pm. If you have non-specialist teachers teaching maths in your secondary school who you feel could benefit from this, book a place online today. View the full details on our website: 

SKTM: SECONDARY EARLY CAREER TEACHERS Aimed at Early Career Teachers – teachers in their first or second year of teaching - this project has been designed to support newly qualified and recently qualified maths teachers during the early years of their career to help develop strong and capable practitioners. 

Delving deeply into multiplicative reasoning, participants will have opportunities to observe learning and consider task design. The communities formed as part of the project provide an opportunity for participants’ conversation to remain focused on the teaching of maths, with teachers at a similar stage of their career. For more information and to book online, please visit our website: 

YEARS 5-8 CONTINUITY This project is for both primary and secondary schools. It may be particularly suitable for linked ‘families’ of schools: primary, secondary etc. A ‘family’ could be a secondary school and their associated (feeder) primary schools or groups of schools from within a MAT. 

Lead participants should be teachers of Years 5-8, ideally with some responsibility for curriculum development. Work Groups in this project focus on curriculum and pedagogical continuity over Years 5 to 8. Participants will explore a selection of high-quality resources: Checkpoints, Multiplicative Reasoning and Algebraic Thinking materials. Book your place today: 

DEVELOPING CORE MATHS PEDAGOGY These Work Groups give teachers opportunities, through collaboration and experimentation, to develop improved teaching approaches that support the open-ended problem-solving skills Core Maths students need to develop, and to share these with departmental colleagues. 

Work Groups may be face-to-face or online and will include school-based activities between workshops. The project involves a direct working partnership between the Maths Hubs Network and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). Participants should be experienced and developing teachers of Core Maths from schools and colleges in at least their second year of teaching Core Maths. 

Where appropriate, participants will be expected to work with colleagues in their own department. For more information and to book online, please visit our website: 

DEVELOPING A LEVEL PEDAGOGY This project explores and deepens participants’ pedagogic content knowledge, empowering teachers to enhance their classroom practice and to influence department-wide A level teaching. It is an engine for improving student understanding of A level Maths and driving their subsequent success. 

Participants will design and trial classroom activities, sharing and reflecting on their experiences with others in the Work Group. The project involves a direct working partnership between the Maths Hubs Network and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). Participants will be established teachers of A level Maths who are looking to deepen their pedagogical understanding. 

They must be teaching a current A level Maths group. This Work Group would be particularly useful for those who may have already completed other A level subject knowledge and pedagogy CPD. For more information and to book online, please visit our website: 

CROSS PHASE: SUPPORTING LOW ATTAINERS TO ACHIEVE A L2 QUALIFICATION IN MATHS This project is for teachers of GCSE Maths, and for those teaching GCSE Maths resit and/or Functional Skills Maths. Participants may be based in secondary schools, UTCs, FE colleges, Sixth Form colleges, schools with post-16 provision, or other post-16 settings. 

Work Groups will focus on developing transferable teaching techniques aligned to teaching for mastery. Participants will attend three full-day workshops and complete practice-based tasks between sessions. For more information, please visit: 

SECONDARY SUBJECT LEADERS COMMUNITY. The project is for secondary heads of department/subject leaders and is open to heads of department in schools already involved with Maths Hubs and to those who are not yet involved. In their first year of engagement with this project, participants will be part of a Work Group. In subsequent years they will be part of a Maths Hub-led subject leadership community. 

This project provides an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of teaching approaches, of their wider roles, and of their capacity with their colleagues to transform secondary maths learning. 

They will work collaboratively with other subject leaders, discuss developments and engage with research, and use this experience to inform their work in leading and developing maths education in school. For more information, please visit: 

IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN THE TEACHING FOR MASTERY – DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN 2024/25 Every year, the Maths Hub looks to engage schools that have not yet begun the Teaching for Mastery journey in the project, and we are delighted to announce that applications are still open to take part in 2024/25. 

Don’t delay, however, as we will be aiming to get started on this project very soon. The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers in state-funded schools to develop best practice in maths in your school. It is suitable for schools interested in implementing a teaching for mastery approach to maths. 

Mastering maths means pupils of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. 

Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material. There is a wealth of information about Mastery on the NCETM website. 

To find out more about how your school can get involved in this fully funded project this year, head to the relevant page on our website using the links below: v Primary Teaching for Mastery – Development: Secondary Teaching for Mastery - Development: 

For primary schools that are not quite ready to join the project yet, we also have the Mastery Readiness programme which will prepare for implementing a teaching for mastery approach. Find out more and apply via the following page: 

ALL WORK GROUPS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2024-2025 We are busy setting up the remaining Work Groups we will be running in 2024/25 and as soon as these are ready, they will be available for booking via our website: 

In the meantime, we invite you to visit the website and register your interest in the projects you would like to take part in. You will then be amongst the first to be contacted when bookings go live. Please use the links below for information on all the programmes we are planning to run this year. Alternatively, contact us at to discuss the best options for you and your department. 

ALL OF OUR WORK GROUPS ARE FREE. PRIMARY AND EARLY YEARS Mastering Number: Mastering Number – Embedding the Impact: Mastering Number at KS2: Primary Teaching for Mastery – Readiness: Primary Teaching for Mastery – Development: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching of Mathematics, Early Years Teachers: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching of Mathematics, Primary Teaching Assistants: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching of Mathematics, Primary Early Career Teachers Phase 1: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching of Mathematics, Primary Teachers: SECONDARY Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Development: Secondary Subject Leadership Community: Securing Foundations at Year 7: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching of Mathematics, Secondary Early Career Teachers Phase 1: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching of Mathematics, Secondary Non-Specialist Teachers: Research and Innovation Project – Secondary Overseas Teachers: POST 16 Developing Core Maths Pedagogy: Developing A Level Pedagogy: CROSS PHASE Targeted Support in Mathematics: Years 5-8 Continuity: Cross Phase – Supporting low attainers to achieve a L2 qualification in mathematics: ITT Partnerships: LEADERSHIP NPQLPM – Leading Primary Maths: Professional Development Lead: School Development Lead: Primary Mastery Specialists: Secondary Mastery Specialists: Further Education Mastery Specialists: Secondary Maths MAT Leads Programme: We hope you find something of interest and look forward to working with you soon. Best wishes, The BBO Maths Hub team.