Tackling Educational Disadvantage Follow-Up Session

It was wonderful to have so many attendees in September at the Kassam Stadium where we heard from Marc Rowland and Tor Flynn about how we are tacking educational disadvantage.

  • What actions did you take from this conference
  • What has the impact been?
  • Are you thinking I can’t remember?!! 
  • Or perhaps you have a list of actions with impact ready to explain! 

To help keep disadvantaged children at the forefront of our thinking we will be holding a follow-up session on teams on Thursday 25th January from 3.30pm – 5pm. This will be a chance to revisit the information from the session in September, have an opportunity to share with colleagues and consider actions you might take for the remainder of the year. 

To sign up to this free event, please book on using the link below

Tackling Educational Disadvantage Follow Up Session