SEND Early Intervention Briefing

Key messages:

1) Finalisation of Inreach/Outreach support packages

2) Identification of secondary schools for phase 1 and 2 of Enhanced pathways

3) Launch of the 18-month leadership programme to become trauma-informed, relational, and restorative communities

The Early Intervention Strategic Group met at County Hall for its fourth meeting on 28th June and reviewed the actions set in May:

Special School Outreach update:

The special school in-reach/outreach project has gathered information via questionnaires from both mainstream settings and special schools to inform the piece of work. Following this, a proposal has been created incorporating various packages of support that will be made available to mainstream schools. The application process and referral routes are currently being confirmed and schools will receive further information in September.

Enhanced Pathways:

The subgroup has identified schools with the greatest intake of year 7 students with EHCP in September 2023. The 3 schools receiving the greatest number of EHCPs have been contacted and invited to establish an enhanced pathway that will support these students across KS3. The second phase will look to support schools receiving 7 or more students with EHCPs. These schools will be offered the opportunity to bid for a portion of the remaining grant to design and deliver an enhanced pathway of provision to best meet the needs of the learners and align with the school’s capacity to deliver. These schools will be contacted directly before the end of term and will then be provided with grant applications.

Trauma Informed Relational Practice (TIRP):

On Tuesday 11th July 16 school leaders from a range of early Years, primary and secondary settings joined with school-facing Local Authority leaders to begin an 18-month leadership programme to become trauma-informed, relational, and restorative communities. This marks the start of the Relational Schools (Trauma-Informed Relational Practice) programme in Oxfordshire. There are 12 settings in Cohort 1 and 29 settings on a growing list of schools to be allocated places in future cohorts. Cohort 2 is due to start in March 2024. Cohort 3 is due to start in September 2024. Some feedback from colleagues who attended the Leadership Programme on Tuesday stated: “I came away feeling motivated and energised. It was such a positive day, and I cannot wait to start this work.” – Primary Headteacher, “Thank you so much for yesterday, a real joy to be part of something so exciting.” – Secondary Senior Leader i/c Behaviour and Personal Development, “Great to spend time with everybody and feel the energy – thank you for inviting me to be a part.” – OCC Head of Service.

The vision to work collectively to support our children and young people with SEND will continue to build from strength to strength. We can all be proud of the dedication and positive impact we have made over the last academic year, and I wish you all a well-deserved, restful summer break. I would like to say a big thank you and goodbye to you all, it has been a pleasure working together for our children and young people.

Jayne Mumford is in post as the Head of SEND and will be providing future monthly updates