Educational Visits Co-ordinator training

This certificated course is for those responsible for managing and monitoring visits programmes. Ideally, applicants will have direct experience in running a variety of visits and will be able to advise and manage colleagues. If administration officers undertake this role, they should confirm their delegated responsibilities with senior management beforehand.

The course follows the Outdoor Education Advisers Panel (OEAP) recommended core content of using National Guidance; establishing the principles and rationale for visits; legal expectations including the local (OCC) context; planning, preparation and evaluation of visits; risk management; emergency planning; monitoring.

The course is a full day. To book courses, visit Oxfordshire Education Services website .

EVC revalidation training

The EVC is required to revalidate every 3 years, this 3 hour course delivers updated materials, current thinking and concepts. To book courses visit Oxfordshire Education Services website.

Visit leader training

This certificated course is for those who wish to undertake off-site visits. It focuses specifically on developing leader competence through identifying the core components for organising a successful visit:  using the National Guidance; principles and rationale for visits; legal expectations including the local (OCC) context; planning, preparation and evaluation of visits; risk management; emergency planning; and monitoring.

The practical module covers safety at water margins, road and vehicle safety, public access spaces and route-finding using simple maps

The training is delivered in various formats:

  • The full-day course includes theory and practical modules, 6.5 hours
  • Half-day theory course, 3.5 hours

It is recommended that all visit leaders participate in this training. 

To arrange training contact the Off Site visits Officer.

Management of Visit Emergency (MoVE) course

This course aims to provide training to meet the needs of staff who support visit emergencies. It provides ideas and materials that will help establishments improve and develop their own emergency planning relating to visits.

In addition, the course aims to improve awareness of national and local emergency policies and procedures, provides a framework for analysing and improving establishment procedures for dealing with visit emergencies and will enable Emergency Contacts to provide better support to Visit Leaders in the event of a visit emergency.   Course length 2.5 hours.

To arrange training contact the Off Site visits Officer.