Subject | Document name | Source | Type | Issue/review date |
Bedbugs | Bedbugs guidance for residential accommodation and conducting home visits (docx format, 280 KB) | Dec 2023 | ||
Boiler/plant rooms | Safe Management of Boiler rooms (docx format, 256 KB) | Dec 2023 | ||
Bunsen Burner Mats | Bunsen Burner Mats - Safety Action Bulletin (pdf format, 147 KB) | Nov 2014 |
School health and safety toolkit
The local authority (LA) is the employer of maintained controlled, voluntary controlled and community schools and has responsibility for health and safety. Governing bodies remain accountable for complying with the LA policies and procedures contained within them. In academies it is up to boards to decide whether and how to delegate the creation, maintenance and approval of policy documents within their trust. Academies can use the LA’s health and safety information as guidance and, where available, a model policy. Boards remain accountable for ensuring any policies and procedures are relevant for the trust.