
You must do an asbestos check every time we undertake building work on our site. Unless your site was built after 1990, you will need to have the areas checked out for asbestos-type materials if you are about to damage the fabric of the building. This needs to be done before work starts. Asbestos-based materials were used extensively in our establishments before the nineties. Read our Asbestos Based Materials in County Council Buildings document (pdf format, 567 KB)

Electrical testing

Mandatory testing of the main electrical system is required at 5 yearly intervals, together with portable electrical appliances being tested on an annual basis.

First aid off-site

Teachers and support staff need a valid first aid certificate if they are taking pupils off-site. As medical help may not be easily accessible at least one adult in the group will need, as a minimum, a valid ‘Appointed Person’ Certificate (recognised by the Health and Safety Executive.) This certificate is valid for 3 years. NB. A special 6-hour course, Emergency Aid in Schools, covers the requirement of the Appointed Person.

Head Lice problems

You can't exclude pupils with head lice. Treatment is recommended only in cases where lice have definitely been seen.

How to use school halls for concerts etc.


When a school hall is used for a school-based production such as a carol concert, there are guidelines for safe numbers which are;

Half a square metre per person closed seating or standing, one square metre per person - restaurant type tables.

Good practice

As a general rule it is good practice to leave a metre gap all around the outside of the hall, and a one metre wide gap in the middle, to ensure good emergency access, and to check that all fire exits are operable.

Other factors

If a school has a public entertainment licence, (only likely if the school hall is let out on a regular basis, such as for theatre groups, who make admission charges to the public), the licence will detail the maximum number of persons allowed in the hall, together with other requirements, such as fire exits, signage, emergency lighting etc.


Pupils should not wear watches, rings, earrings, necklaces etc when doing PE/swimming activities. The wearing of jewellery during physical activities can constitute a hazard to the wearer and others. All such items should be removed before undertaking physical education activities. Where personal adornments cannot be removed for specific valid reason it must be made ‘safe’ i.e. covered, where this cannot be achieved exclusion from the activities will be necessary.