What we do

Our children deserve the best possible education. Everyone involved in governance - whether sitting on a board or providing clerking services to it - must strive for the highest professional standards.

Oxfordshire County Council Governor Services are champions for high quality school governance and aim to ensure that governors and governance professionals have the necessary skills to deliver it.

We take an active interest in the quality of governance in schools. We encourage and support high standards, recognising where a school could improve and enabling governing boards to do so.

The Oxfordshire County Council values underpin everything we do in Governor Services. In short, our values describe ‘the way we do things here’.

  • Be kind and care
  • Equality and integrity in all we do
  • Taking responsibility
  • Daring to do it differently
  • Always learning

Who we are

  • Helen Tate, Governor Support Officer
  • Ruth Pangu, Clerk to Governors team lead

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