Oxfordshire County Council is the administering authority for the Oxfordshire Pension Fund

Over 50 employers and their staff contribute to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). The county council is responsible for maintaining, administering and paying out all benefits from the pension fund.

The Teachers' Pensions Scheme (TPS) is a contributory scheme administered by Teachers' Pensions (TP) on behalf of the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). Oxfordshire County council makes a substantial contribution towards the cost of your pension.

More information

Visit the following websites for further information and forms:

Contact details

If you need to submit any forms or have any initial queries about either scheme, raise an enquiry through IBC, by selecting the ‘Pensions’ option.

If you have further queries, contact:

For Teachers pension queries contact the HR Advice Desk on 03300 240849 or email hradvicedesk@oxfordshire.gov.uk

For LGPS pension queries contact the Pensions Teams.