Oxfordshire Early Years supports all early education and childcare providers in Oxfordshire, including day nursery and pre-school staff, EYFS, Governors, Headteachers, owners and managers.

Available to maintained and academy schools. View prices for this service.

Standard package

The standard package includes free access to the Early Years online toolkit, email and telephone support, access to three briefings a year and regular email updates relating to national and local developments.

Enhanced package

The enhanced package includes all the features of the standard package but includes 12 hours of consultancy visits, support, and training. This can include a support visit or training session from an Early Years SEN inclusion teacher.

Partnership package

The partnership package provides access to the locked, Early Years online toolkit and email and telephone support from a named advisor. This also includes three full days of EY briefings a year which are held in your local area or online - these are bespoke and designed for headteachers and governors (first session); EYFSCOs (second session) and teachers and support staff (third session).