Spot light on success; Eat Them to Defeat Them!

Congratulations to John Henry Newman Academy who successfully took part in the Eat Them to Defeat Them campaign! (PDF, 378kb)

Eat Them to Defeat Them was created by Veg Power and ITV as a fun way to encourage kids to eat more veg. At JHN, the school kitchen modifies their menu to hide secret extra vegetables in the children's usual meals. The children enjoy guessing what they might be and how they might have been hidden. For example, courgette was even used in one of our cakes this year! The children also enjoy working on their sticker sheets, trying out new vegetables at home and in school to see if they can eat them to defeat them! Finally, the children took part in a poster competition this year to see if they could win a place at the head table to enjoy a raw fruit and veggie platter with our Head of Well-being Mr Linden. 

The children produced some great posters about 'Why Vegetables Rule!' See the attached document for examples of these excellent posters.

Evaluation data confirms that repeated involvement in the campaign leads to increased veg consumption over the long term. 53% of parents with children involved in the schools’ programme reported an increase in the volume and variety of vegetables consumed. Look out for information on how to take part next year. If your school has a success story around physical activity and healthy eating, please let us know so we can share it!