Oxfordshire County Council Public Health Team need your help again

You have already supported us in sharing a Youth Vaping survey across all secondary schools within Oxfordshire, looking into the emerging issue of youth vaping. This is a national concern and there is work being done by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and the charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) who have reported national data with concerning trends in youth vaping. 

The first survey was very successful, with over 5000 responses, however it has also highlighted a few gaps too. To address this, we have re-opened the survey, as of Monday 5th November 2023, and hope you can once again share it on our behalf, until it closes on 21st December 2023.

Sheffield Vaping Leaflet

In particular, we would like to hear more from children and young people in Years 9-13 across the County and all children and young people living in West Oxon, Oxford City and The Vale of the White Horse. The survey will still be open to all secondary school and college children and young people, regardless of age and location, but if children have already completed the survey, we do not want a duplicate. There will be a button to click, to confirm it is the first time they’re completing the survey.

The link to the newly opened survey is here: https://forms.gle/qYaf8UKcRGBVyMzr6

The survey is completely anonymous and will be analysed in accordance with the County Council’s data guidelines. We will use the information to help inform future programmes to tackle the issue of youth vaping across Oxfordshire and to work to influence national policy and action. The results will then be analysed, and a summary document produced and shared with yourselves and other relevant stakeholders along with a plan of action based on the results.

Please share this new link with all your families and school colleagues, and request that as many children in the school as possible complete the survey. 

The survey would fit well into registration time, PHSE lessons or IT lessons.